Here is a glimpse of the process for welcoming one of our babies into your family
After you have completed the Puppy INquiry, we will follow up with an email wihtin 48 hours to answer any additional questions either party may have. If you do not receive an email from us within that time, please e-mail us at [email protected].
For our Local families we offer a puppy visit day two weeks before the puppies will be placed in their new homes. This is a great time to visit as the puppies are older and more interactive with their environment and the people around them. We do ask that anyone coming to puppy visit day does not visit any dog parks or dog care facilities for 48 hours prior. Our visit day is always scheduled on a Saturday, just as our puppy pick up day is. We keep the visiting time to one hour, to limit the stress on the puppies. attendance on Puppy visit day is not required for placement. Gotcha day is scheduled privately for each family so we are ensured time to demonstrate what training your puppy has received and how the commands that are familiar to them. We want to allow for enough time to answer all of your questions and to adequatley go over the puppy pack as well as the paperwork that will accompany them home. In the weeks leading up to gotcha day, we ask that you review many of the pages on our blog to prepare you for the day that your new puppy comes home. We highly suggest having all RECOMMENDED items on hand and ready to go when you bring your puppy home.
all of our puppies go to their new homes with a 2 year health and a full temperament guarantee. before your puppies birth was even planned, the parent dogs went through extensive health and temperament testing to isnure the health and mental well being of future generations. we do extensive work with our puppies while they are with us to begin the process of lifetime learning and socialization. prior to your new puppy coming home, we ask that you find a local training facility and enroll in an upcoming obedience or puppy socialization course. we cannot express the importance of early obedience training and having a skilled professional to assist you with any questions is priceless.
thank you for choosing Prodigy farms and entrusting us with a small, fluffy part of your families future. we are honored to serve our dogs and their families through their lifetime, and beyond.